About the Course
If you are interested in learning how to craft engaging and intriguing stories that keep your readers guessing, then this course on mystery writing is for you. In this course, you will learn the essential elements of mystery writing, such as creating a compelling detective, constructing a clever plot, planting clues and red herrings, and building suspense and tension.
The course consists of modules, each with a specific learning objective and a practical assignment and a quick Quizz. For each module, materials have been provided to help you through the course and allow for quick references or easy use to complete assignments. There is no pass or fail; the information provided here is meant to help you hone your craft. The modules are:
Module 1: Multiple Lessons
The Basics of Mystery Writing. This module introduces you to the basics of mystery writing and helps you develop your own idea for a mystery story. You will also explore different subgenres of mystery writing. You will be expected to select a type listed below to develop throughout this course.
-Cozy Mysteries
-Hard-Boiled Mysteries
-Historical Mysteries
-Paranormal Mysteries
-Procedural Crime Mysteries
-Detective Mysteries
-Thriller Mysteries
You will learn:
how to explore why mysteries are so popular
how to discover which of the mysteries are more rare than others, and why
how to use the "question factor" to start: Who, What, Where, Why, When, and How
Practical Assignment
Module 2: Multiple Lessons
Creating characters.This module teaches you how to create memorable characters for your mystery story. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to develop realistic & interesting characters
overcoming & learning
change and growth
relationship with antagonist
relationship with other characters
fitting into the genre
Practical Assignment
Module 3: Multiple Lessons
Writing Dialogue for Mystery. In this module you will learn about language as it applies to different eras. In our lessons,
You will learn:
slangs and accents used in different times
cussing and swearing used in different times
how to stage, using dialogue, a mystery written in the past
how to stage, using dialogue, a mystery written in the future
how to write dialogue that reveals character
how to write dialogue that advances the plot
how to create dialogue that brings about conflict or suspense
Discussion Forum: The mystery series of the past, ie. Micky Slade, The Night Stalker
Practical Assignment
Module 4: Multiple Lessons
POV. Writing from different POVs; which one will you choose and why? In our lessons,
You will learn:
the types of POV available
how to choose the best point of view for your mystery story
how to switch between different perspectives
Practical Assignments
Module 5: Multiple Lessons
Creating a Sense of Mystery and Suspence. This module will introduce you to how to use setting and atmosphere to create a sense of mystery and suspense. Setting and atmosphere are crucial elements of mystery writing, as they help to create suspense, intrigue, and mood. In our lessons,
You will learn:
choosing the right setting based on genre and plot
use of sensory details to describe your setting
use of show not tell to describe setting
contrasting your setting
using forshadowing correctly
using setting to reveal character and backstory
creating mood
creating atmosphere
using elements to create mood and atmosphere
using setting to influence plot and action
building suspense and mystery
supporting theme and message
using research and imagination to create believable settings
Practical Assignment
Module 6: Multiple Lessons
Plot Structure, Clues and Red Herrings. This module shows you how to structure your mystery story and weave in clues and red herrings. If you want to write a captivating mystery story, you need to pay attention to how you structure your plot, characters, and clues. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to create a compelling plot
the hook
the main conflict
introducing characters
how to write effective clues and red herrings
suspense and tension
building climax
genre conventions
how to use the 3-act model to structure you mystery plot
how to plan your clues and twists
Practical Assignment
Module 7: Multiple Lessons
The Middle. Writing the middle of a mystery can be the hardest part. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to develop your mystery plot in the middle section of your story
how to balance action
how to balance investigation
how to balance exposition
Practical Assignment
Module 8: Multiple Lessons
Writing the Climax and Resolution. The big bang and resolution of all outstanding twists and sub-plots happens next. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to write a satisfying climax
how the climax reveals the solution to your mystery problem
how to wrap up your story with a resolution
to tie up all loose ends
how to leave a cliffhanger for the next book if writing a series
Practical Assignment
Module 9: Multiple Lessons
Being Original. Originality in mystery writing is becoming harder since the general market is heavily saturated with ideas. In our lessons,
You will learn:
why is it hard to be original
the mystery market today
what sub-genres are saturated
how to be original in a saturated market
how to use cross-genre to aid in originality
Practical Assignment
Module 10: Multiple Lessons
Revising and Editing. This module guides you through the process of revising and editing your mystery story and preparing it for publication. Revising and editing your mystery story is a crucial step to make it more engaging, suspenseful and satisfying for your readers. In our lessons,
You will learn:
clear, consistent, logical clues
pacing and structure
characters and their motivations
setting and atmosphere enhancements
polishing language and style
getting feedback
revise, revise, revise
careful editing
reading aloud
enjoying the process
Practical Assignment
Module 11: Multiple Lessons
Mystery Style Guide. A style guide is a document that helps you maintain consistency and clarity in your mystery story standalone. It can cover aspects such as grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, tone, voice, and genre conventions. In our lessons,
You will learn:
creating a style guide of your book idea
what's needed to craft engaging mystery standalones
identifying your target audience and their expectations
choosing a POV and sticking to it
creating arcs
creating profiles
establishing that tone and voice and maintaining it throughout your story
what level of realism and detail will you keep
any rules and conventions relate to your genre
timeline and plot summaries
Practical Assignment
Module 12: Multiple Lessons
Writing a mystery series can be a rewarding and challenging endeavor for any author. However, there are some key aspects that one should consider before embarking on such a project. In our lessons,
You will learn:
about planning a series
why the protagonist must last the series
how not to be too obvious
how to avoid becoming stale
why researching topics is important
about the supporting cast
the trick to maintaining suspense and tension
about delivering that satisfying payoff
why it's important to leave room for more
about spin-offs
the struggles with killing off your character
Discussion Forum: Killing Off Your Character
Practical Assignment
Module 13: Multiple Lessons
Mystery Story Bible. Creating a story bible is usually done for a series to keep track of elements that allow for consistency throughout the series. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to create as series bible
why it's important to have a series bible for a series
what is the main theme compared to various sub-themes
what the overall main idea is
your character development
the protagonist series arc showing growth
setting changes throughout series, especially new locations in which books
series plot outline, each book outline
planting clues throughout series, each book
red herrings
the big reveal and cliffhangers
the big resolution
consistency list
updating your story bible
keeping it close by
Tools and resources
Discussion Forum: guides and story bibles
Discussion Forum: How Sherlock Holmes Series Bible Would Look
Practical Assignment
Bonus Module 14: Multiple Lessons
One of the lessons in this course is dedicated to explaining why mystery writing should not be confused with suspense writing. Although both genres involve creating suspense and tension, they have different goals and techniques. In this lesson,
You will:
learn how to distinguish between mystery writing and suspense writing
how to use both genres effectively in your own stories
Practical Assignment
By the end of this course, you will have a complete draft of your own mystery story that you can share with others or publish online. You will also have gained valuable skills and knowledge that will help you write more mysteries in the future.
Course Summary Video
Breakdown of Fees: $904.00
$ 200.00 - base programming
$ 200.00 - For module set-up
$ 400.00 - For lessons: including:
our copywritten forms
other materials
forum access
Practical Assignment & Instructor Assessment
instructor access
6 month access to program
service fee
Notice: All information, forms and content provided for this course is strictly the property of Dark Dove Publishing, The WRITE Affiliates, and J.L. Slipak and should not be copied, reused, rebranded or altered in any fashion for unauthorized purposes, and without explicit permission to do so by the aforementioned parties, hereto.
Any infringement of copyright, trademark, or registration will result in legal actions being taken against violators. Permission of use is governed solely for this program/course as provided strictly adhering to copyright laws of Canada and the United States and for no improper purposes in accordance to the law.
For terms and conditions governing refunds, go to terms and conditions in the main menu under Dark Dove Publishing. All personal data is subject to our privacy policy listed below. Although Dark Dove Publishing strives to provide correct and appropriate materials, any errors or ommisions should be immediately brought to the attention of Dark Dove Publishing in written form by sending an email to:
Private information is forbidden on public forums. Any links or emails provided there will be deleted. All posts are governed with the strictest policies. Please remain professional with conduct when using services, products, access and other items belonging to Dark Dove Publishing, The WRITE Affiliates, and J.L. Slipak, as per the terms of conduct and program/course polices provided with each course description.
All courses are for informational purposes to fine tune and hone the craft of writing. None are for official certification toward a degree, diploma, or professional certification in any form. Go here to read further terms and conditions
Your Instructor
J.L. Slipak
Certified Freelance Writer, Editor, Published Author, CEO of Dark Dove Publishing, Over 40 Years Experience, in the Written World, Member of IAPWE(International Association Professional Writers & Editors