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Self-Publishing Basics




6 Months

About the Course

If you have ever dreamed of writing and publishing your own book, this self-publishing course is for you. In this course, you will learn the beginnings of what you need to know about how to turn your manuscript into a professional-looking book that can reach millions of readers around the world. You will also discover the best strategies to market and sell your book online and offline.

The course consists of modules, each with a specific learning objective and a practical assignment and a quick quizz. For each module, materials have been provided to help you through the course and allow for quick references or easy use to complete assignments. There is no pass or fail; the information provided here is meant to help you hone your craft. The modules are:

Module 1: Multiple Lessons

Preparing your manuscript. How to prepare your manuscript for publication. If you have decided to self-publish your book, you will need to prepare your manuscript for publication. In our lessons,

You will learn:

  • how to make your book error-free

  • how to format your manuscript correctly

Practical Assignment



Module 2: Multiple Lessons

Which publishing platform? How to choose the right publishing platform and format for your book. In our lessons,

You will learn:

  • the platforms available to you to upload your book

  • how to choose the right one for your book

  • what's involved

Practical Assignment



Module 3: Multiple Lessons

Cover design. How to design an eye-catching cover and layout for your book. In our lessons,

You will learn:

  • about the importance of cover design

  • what a cover design should be

  • how to get a cover design or create one yourself

  • sizes and resolution needs

  • matching the cover to your genre

  • how to write a cover blurb and what is included

  • what is an ISBN

  • what metadata is and the requirements for metadata

  • the different sizes of book covers

  • how to use templates

  • how to upload to your chosen platform

  • how to make thumbnails that are legible

Practical Assignment



Module 4: Multiple Lessons

Editing and proofreading. How to edit and proofread your book for quality and consistency. In our lessons,

You will learn,

  • why you need to edit your manuscript

  • about hiring an editor and proofreader

  • the process for finalizing your manuscript for publication

  • about breaking down the types of edits you need and why

  • online tools to use

Practical Assignment



Module 5: Multiple Lessons

Pricing your book. How to price your book and set up your royalties and payments. Pricing your book correctly can have a significant impact on your sales, revenue, and profit. In our lessons,

You will learn,

  • just how important is putting the correct price on your book

  • how genre affects price

  • how your target audience affects the price of your book

  • the production costs

  • about the distribution channels

  • about the competitive landscape

  • pricing effectively and strategically

  • about the five step pricing method

Form: The Five Step Pricing Method

Practical Assignment



Module 6: Multiple Lessons

Distribution. You have more control over the design, distribution, and marketing of your book, but you also have more responsibility and costs. One of the most important aspects of self-publishing is distributing your book to potential readers. How can you do that effectively? In our lessons,

You will learn,

  • two main ways of distributing your self-published book

  • what is POD

  • what platforms to use

  • what are ebooks

  • devices for ebooks

  • print vs. ebooks

  • advantages and disadvantages of POD and e-books

  • what determines which to use

  • other methods of distribution

  • what is the key element regarding distribution

  • what requirements are needed to distribute your self-published book

Practical Assignment



Module 7: Multiple Lessons

Author website and social media. If you are a self-published author, you need to have a website and social media presence to promote your books and connect with your readers. A website is your online home, where you can showcase your work, share your news, and provide information about yourself and your services. A social media presence is your online voice, where you can interact with your fans, share your insights, and build your reputation. How to create a compelling author website and social media presence. In our lessons,

You will learn,

  • how to choose a domain name that reflects your brand and genre

  • what to avoid and why

  • the importance of easy navigation

  • making it attractive and responsive

  • places that can host your website without coding

  • what elements your website must have

  • what social media platforms best suit your genre and audience

  • what social media platforms you use if writing young adult fiction

  • what social media platforms you use if writing nonfiction or business books

  • what happens when spreading yourself thin

  • time management for social media posting

  • how to plan ahead and schedule your posts in advance

  • tools available to automate your posting and analytics

  • what to post

  • being authentic and professional

  • what not to post

Practical Assignment




Module 8: Multiple Lessons

Launching your book. If you have written a book and decided to self-publish it, you might be wondering how to launch it and generate buzz. Launching a book is not easy, but it can be rewarding if you plan ahead and follow some best practices. How to launch your book and generate buzz and reviews. In our lessons,

You will learn,

  • to start building your platform early

  • create an online presence where you can connect with your potential readers

  • when to start building your platform

  • at least six months before your launch date

  • why it's important to post regularly about your book and your topic

  • what will early planning help with

  • how to grow your audience, establish your credibility, and create anticipation for your book

  • what a launch team is

  • plan a pre-launch campaign

  • when to start your pre-launch campaign

  • why you need to make as much noise as possible on your launch day

  • why is it important to get your book in front of as many eyes as possible

  • what's an email blast

  • other means of promoting your book

  • why you should keep engaging with your audience, thanking them for their support, answering their questions, or asking for feedback

  • why you should keep marketing your book and how

  • what good is doing interviews or podcasts, participating in events or festivals, or reaching out to new audiences or markets

  • why you should track and measure your results

  • what tools are available for tracking results

  • why launching a self-published book is not a one-time event

Practical Assignment



Module 9: Multiple Lessons

Promotion. How to promote your book using various marketing tools and techniques. In our lessons,

You will learn,

  • how to promote your self-published book effectively and professionally

  • what your niche and target market has to do with promoting your book

  • to identify your ideal reader

  • how to create a blog to connect

  • why and if social media is really great at spreading the word

  • how to post updates, teasers, reviews, giveaways, interviews, or videos related to your book

  • why joining relevant groups, forums, or communities can help

  • where you can share your expertise and promote your book

  • how to get reviews and testimonials

  • why asking for reviews from your friends, family, colleagues, or beta readers is beneficial

  • where to offer free copies

  • how to run ads and promotions and where to run them

  • types of promotions to run

  • about tools available to help promote your book

Practical Assignment



Video assessments

Module 10: Multiple Lessons

Growing your audience. How to grow your audience and fan base and create a loyal community of readers. In our lessons,

You will learn,

  • that by identifying your target market, you can narrow down their interests, preferencs, and needs

  • that by identifying your target market, you can figure out how to entertain them with your stories

  • that by identifying your target market, you will learn to craft your marketing messages and strategies more effectively

  • that by having various platforms to showcase your books, you can share your writing process, offer valuable content, and interact with existing readers

  • to grow you audience using a mailing list

  • to grow your network with other authors and influencers

  • collaborate with other authors and influencers to help you expand your reach and exposure

  • that joining online communities and participating in events, you can host joint promotions, exchange reviews, and cross-promote each other's books

  • to optimize your book pages

  • to experiment with diferent marketing strategies

Practical Assignment



​Course Summary Video

Breakdown of Fees: $678.00

$ 200.00 - base programming

$ 100.00 - For module set-up

$ 300.00 - For lessons: including:

  • videos

  • our copywritten forms

  • other materials

  • research

  • resources

  • forum access

  • Practical Assignment & Instructor Assessment

  • quizz

  • summary

  • instructor access

  • 6 month access to program


  • taxes

  • service fee

Notice: All information, forms and content provided for this course is strictly the property of Dark Dove Publishing, The WRITE Affiliates, and J.L. Slipak and should not be copied, reused, rebranded or altered in any fashion for unauthorized purposes, and without explicit permission to do so by the aforementioned parties, hereto.

Any infringement of copyright, trademark, or registration will result in legal actions being taken against violators. Permission of use is governed solely for this program/course as provided strictly adhering to copyright laws of Canada and the United States and for no improper purposes in accordance to the law.

For terms and conditions governing refunds, go to terms and conditions in the main menu under Dark Dove Publishing. All personal data is subject to our privacy policy listed below. Although Dark Dove Publishing strives to provide correct and appropriate materials, any errors or ommisions should be immediately brought to the attention of Dark Dove Publishing in written form by sending an email to:

Private information is forbidden on public forums. Any links or emails provided there will be deleted. All posts are governed with the strictest policies. Please remain professional with conduct when using services, products, access and other items belonging to Dark Dove Publishing, The WRITE Affiliates, and J.L. Slipak, as per the terms of conduct and program/course polices provided with each course description.

All courses are for informational purposes to fine tune and hone the craft of writing. None are for official certification toward a degree, diploma, or professional certification in any form. Go here to read further terms and conditions

Your Instructor

J.L. Slipak

J.L. Slipak

Certified Freelance Writer, Editor, Published Author, CEO of Dark Dove Publishing, Over 40 Years of Experience in The Written World


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 | The W.R.I.T.E. Affiliates  |  Dark Dove Publishing  |  Book Chatterer  | "My Book Abyss"  |   Ontario, Canada
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