About the Course
This course will introduce you to the art and craft of world-building, a creative process that involves imagining and designing fictional settings for stories, games, and other media. You will learn the basic principles and techniques of world-building, as well as explore different types of worlds, such as fantasy, science fiction, historical, and contemporary. By the end of this course, you will have created your own original world and presented it in a portfolio.
The course consists of modules, each with a specific learning objective and a practical assignment and a quick Quizz. For each module, materials have been provided to help you through the course and allow for quick references or easy use to complete assignments. There is no pass or fail; the information provided here is meant to help you hone your craft. The modules are:
Module 1: Multiple Lessons
Introduction to World-Building. You will also cover the basics of what world-building is, its purpose, and how to approach it. In our lessons,
You will learn:
what is world-building
the basics that makes up world-building
the importance of world-building and what it affects
the purpose of world-building
why world-building is essential to create a consistent and engaging world for your readers
how world-building can enhance your plot, characters, and themes
what pitfalls to avoid
Practical Assignment
Module 2: Multiple Lessons
Foundations of World-Building. In this module, you will learn the basic principles and concepts of world-building, such as genre, theme, scope, and consistency. In our lessons,
You will:
explore different types of worlds
learn what is a realistic, fantastical, historical, and futuristic world
learn how to choose the best one for your story
explore some examples of famous fictional worlds
Discussion Forum: Famous Fictional Worlds
Practical Assignment
Module 3: Multiple Lessons
The Process of World-Building. World-building is the art of creating a fictional world that feels realistic, immersive and consistent. It involves developing the physical, cultural, historical, social and political aspects of the world, as well as its magic system, if any. In our lessons,
You will learn:
the integration and presentation of world-building
how to incorporate your world-building into your narrative
how to show rather than tell your readers about your world
how to avoid info-dumps and exposition
how to use world-building to create conflict, tension, and mystery
how to break down these questions:
how to start world-building
what is mapping
what's the "big picture"
what is "fleshing out the details"
do you need to research
is experimenting with ideas acceptable
Practical Assignment
Module 4: Multiple Lessons
World-Building Tools and Resources. Look for sources that can inform and inspire your world-building. In our lessons,
You will learn:
the sources and methods of world-building:
where to find inspiration and ideas for your world
how to research and adapt existing elements from real or fictional sources
how to balance originality and familiarity
how to organize and document your world-building information
how to create a to do list for world-building
what are some of the tools and resources you'll need
where can you find tools and resources to use
what software to use
what's good; what's your best choice for software
about organizational software to organize your thoughts
Practical Assignment
Module 5: Multiple Lessons
Elements of World-Building Part One. In this module, you will learn how to develop the key elements of your world, such as geography. You will also learn how to use maps, diagrams, and other visual tools to enhance your world-building process.
(1) Physical Geography.This lesson covers the physical aspects of your world, such as geography, climate, seasons, time, flora, fauna, etc.
You will learn:
how you can use maps to describe the setting of your story and how it affects the plot and the characters
how you can use diagrams to describe the setting of your story and how it affects the plot and the characters
how you can use sketches to describe the setting of your story and how it affects the plot and the characters
how you can use notes to describe the setting of your story and how it affects the plot and the characters
how to use aspects such as terrain, and natural resources
how does the shape of land affects the temperature, precipitation and seasons
(2) Terrain and Landforms. Understand how these physical features of your world affect your story. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how does this make your world more realistic and immersive
how do these features affect climate, culture, history, conflicts of your world
what's the point in deciding on the size of your world: is it a planet, continent, an island, or something else
why this is important
what is the relation between your world and all the others, or surrounding regions
if you should add boundaries
about water features
if your world benefits from putting beings to live on the water, in the water
what types of features should you add
about a world under-ground living beside an underground river, or a mysterious hidden lake
that water erodes, creates interesting landforms
if beings on your world worship landforms
if plate tectonics are involved in forming landforms
how you can use landforms
if having them enhance your world
Practical Assignment
Module 6: Multiple Lessons
Elements of World-Building Part Two. In this module, you will learn how to develop the key elements of your world such as climate and weather. You will also learn how to use maps, diagrams, and other visual tools to enhance your world-building process to indicate climate and weather.
(3) Climate and Weather. Understand the basics of climate zones. In our lessons,
You will learn:
if your world has major climate zones like earth
how to use these zones as a starting point for your world
to consider the effects of axial tilt on seasons
what role water and wind play on your world
how your world has natural disasters and anomalies
to ask if these events impact the beings living in your world
if you need to establish climate and weather rules for your world
how the distribution of water affects the temperature, precipitation and seasons
what factors influence climate and weather
if you should use them to create different terrain and landforms prevalent to your story
how can climate and weather enhance your story
Practical Assignment
Module 7: Multiple Lessons
Elements of World-Building Part Three. In this module, you will learn how to develop the key elements of your world, such as biomes and ecosystems. You will also learn how to use maps, diagrams, and other visual tools to enhance your world-building process to indicate biomes and ecosystems.
(4) Biomes and Ecosystems. Understand the importance of biomes and ecosystems. In our lessons,
You will learn:
what are biomes
what are ecosystems
what breaking down the biomes and ecosystems offer to your world-building
how do plants and animals in your world differ from those on Earth
how do these animals thrive in their environment
what are their roles and relationships in the food web
about natural resources and hazards
Practical Assignment
Module 8: Multiple Lessons
Elements of World-Building Part Four. In this module, you will learn how to develop the key elements of your world, such as culture, and religion. You will also learn how to use maps, diagrams, and other visual tools to enhance your world-building process.
(5) Culture and Society. This part of the module covers the social aspects of your world, such as history, religion, education, art, language, customs, values, etc. In our lessons,
You will learn:
history and timeline
how to use charts, symbols, or stories to illustrate culture of your world
how culture shapes the conflicts and themes of your story
religion and mythology
language and writing
art and architecture
customs and traditions
Practical Assignment
Module 9: Multiple Lessons
Elements of World-Building Part Five. In this module, you will learn how to develop the key elements of your world, such as politics, and economy. You will also learn how to use maps, diagrams, and other visual tools to enhance your world-building process.
(6) Politics and Economy. You will examine the political and economic systems that govern your world, such as government, law, trade, and currency. In our lessons,
You will learn about:
government and law
trade and currency
economy and industry
conflict and diplomacy
Practical Assignment
Module 10: Multiple Lessons
Elements of World-Building Part Six. In this module, you will learn how to develop the key elements of your world, such as magic, and technology. You will also learn how to use maps, diagrams, and other visual tools to enhance your world-building process.
(7) Magic and Technology. You will delve into the magic and technology that define your world, such as magic systems, scientific principles, inventions, and innovations. In our lessons,
You will learn:
magic systems and rules
about supernatural aspects of your world, such as magic systems, rules, limitations, sources, effects, etc.
you can use formulas, diagrams, examples, or explanations to define the magic of your world
how magic influences the plot and the characters
scientific principles and discoveries
inventions and innovations
magic vs technology
Practical Assignment
Module 11: Multiple Lessons
Characters and Plot in World-Building. In this module, you will learn how to create believable and compelling characters and plot for your world. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to use character archetypes
how motivations, conflicts, and arcs drive your story forward
how to balance world-building and storytelling
how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes
how to populate your world: characters and creatures
how to create the inhabitants of your world, such as its
how to make them realistic and relatable to your audience
Practical Assignment
Module 12: Multiple Lessons
Characters and Stories. We'll be more specific to your story and help you create compelling characters and background stories that inhabit your world, such as protagonists, antagonists, allies, enemies, and plots. We'll begin by bringing these lessons to our forum to gain feedback, help from the instructor, and beta test your ideas. In our lessons,
You will learn:
Protagonists and Antagonists
the personal aspects of your world
the main characters
their backgrounds
how use profiles, sketches, interviews, or scenes to introduce the characters of your world
how they interact with each other and with the environment
allies and enemies
character development and arcs
plots and subplots
Discussion Forum: Your Ideas For Beta Testing Re: Protagonist and Antagonist and their personal aspects of your world.
Discussion Forum: How to Introduce Your Characters to Your World?
Discussion Forum: How Do Your Characters Interact With Others?
Discussion Forum: How Do Your Characters Interact With The Environment?
Discussion Forum: How Do You Plan on Showing Growth in Your Protagonist?
Practical Assignment
Module 13: Multiple Lessons
Genre and Theme. This module guides you on how to choose the genre and theme of your world, such as fantasy, sci-fi, horror, romance, or mystery. In our lessons,
You will learn:
genre and subgenre
logic and consistency
how to make your world believable: logic and conformity
how to ensure that your world makes sense and follows its own rules, such as its physics, magic, technology, laws, etc.
you will also learn how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes
to create a story bible and why this is important
theme and message
Sub-Lesson: Breaking down the story bible format and forms.
Material Provided
Forum Discussion: Using a story bible
Practical Assignment
Module 14: Multiple Lessons
Tone and Mood. In our lessons,
You will learn:
tone and mood are two important elements of creative writing that can shape the way readers experience your story
how to use tone and mood effectively in your worldbuilding
how they can enhance your plot, characters, and themes
how to establish tone and mood in the opening scene
tropes and clichés
Practical Assignment
Module 15: Multiple Lessons
Adding Fantasy Elements Part One. In this module you'll explore adding Fantasy elements to make your world-building more immersive and captivating, but they also require careful planning and execution. Here are lessons to help you add fantasy elements to your world without breaking the suspension of disbelief or overwhelming the reader. In our lessons,
You will learn:
what fantasy elements are
examples of fantasy elements and how to implement them into your work
about magic
mythical creatures
supernatural phenomena
or exotic materials
Forms and Materials Provided
Links and Resources
Practical Assignment
Module 16: Multiple Lessons
Adding Fantasy Elements Part Two. In this module you'll explore adding fantasy elements to make your world-building more immersive and captivating, but they also require careful planning and execution. Here are lessons to help you add fantasy elements to your world without breaking the suspension of disbelief or overwhelming the reader. You can use fantasy elements to create unique and imaginative terrain and landforms for your world. For example, you can have floating islands, crystal caves, lava fields, or enchanted forests. But what would happen if you changed things around to have floating caves, crystal forests, lava islands and enchanted fields? In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to create lists of fantasy elements that are commonly heard of, and turn them into something more unique to add to your world
to establish the rules and limitations of your fantasy elements
what deus ex machina situations are and how they can ruin your story
how to balance the familiar with the unfamiliar
how to avoid being mundane or cliched and not bore or disappoint the reader
how to integrate fantasy elements into your world-building
how to show, don't tell fantasy elements in your story
why "in action" and "in context" is preferred to "in abstract" and "in isolation"
how fantasy elements enhance your theme and message
how to avoid making fantasy elements that are a burden or chore to your readers but rather a source of joy and wonder
Practical Assignment
Module 17: Multiple Lessons
Reality vs. Fantasy. Finding a balance between what's real and what is fantasy is incredibly important to keep your reader engaged in yor story. In our lessons,
You will learn:
why it's important to find a balance between the elements of fantasy and reality
what's the difference
what is the purpose of using fantasy elements
what three factors should always be kept in mind when using fantasy elements
what are the three purposes of using reality elements
pitfalls of using reality elements with fantasy elements
when can you cross fantasy with realistic fiction
what is
magical realism
urban fantasy
science fiction
Practical Assignment
Module 18: Multiple Lessons
Cross-Genre Fantasy World-Building. How to do this? In our lessons,
You will learn (if creating a world that is cross-genred):
what is the main genre and tone of your story
what is the intended effect or message of your story
who is the target audience of your story
how will the fantasy and reality elements interact with each other
how will the fantasy and reality elements affect the characters and their development
how will the fantasy and reality elements advance or complicate the plot
how will the fantasy and reality elements support or challenge the theme
to become aware of the potential benefits and risks to crossing fantasy with reality elements in a story
Practical Assignment
Module 19: Multiple Lessons
How to Make Your World Immersive. In this module you'll learn to use sensory details and atmosphere to make your world immerive. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to develop the details
how to bring all aspects together
to identify how all aspects influence the conflicts and challenges that your characters face
using show not telling to make your world immersive to your readers
avoiding info-dumping
pitfalls of long descriptions or expositions
how to reveal your world gradually and organically as it unfolds
how to let your readers discover your world along with the characters
giving ground to allow your readers to fill in gaps using their imagination
how to use descriptive language and imagery to convey the look, feel, sound, smell, taste, etc. of your world
the importance of how to avoid contradictions or inconsistencies that might confuse or distract from your story
the effects of dropping new elements or rules to your world
how to make sure new rules or elements fit with what you have already established
how to create a mood and a tone for your world that matches your genre and theme
Practical Assignment
Module 20: Overview
In this module you'll explore the different media available and how to adapt your world for different medias available selected from: writing and visualizing. In this module, you will learn how to present your world in different formats and platforms, such as writing (novels, short stories, scripts), visualizing (artwork, maps, models), or both (comics, games). This will be a brief overview as this is actually a whole other course. There will no practical assignment, quizz or summary. In our lessons,
You will learn:
Presentation Formats and Methods
how your world should appear for different media
we will teach you how to present your world to others, such as readers, players, or viewers
the potential for developing different careers using world-building techniques
Module 21: Multiple Lessons
Presentation and Feedback in World-Building. In this module, you will learn how to present your world to your audience, whether it is through writing, gaming, or other media. In our lessons,
You will learn:
how to use language, style, tone, and perspective to convey your world effectively
how to seek and incorporate feedback from others in an outline format
how to revise and improve your world-building
the difference between presentation and feedback
the methods available for conveying your world to your audience
how to receive feedback
Practical Assignment
Module 22: Multiple Lessons
How to Showcase Your World: Portfolio and Feedback. In this module, you will learn how to compile your work into a portfolio that showcases your world-building skills and creativity. You will also learn how to seek and give constructive feedback on your own and others' worlds.The lessons are:
- Feedback Sources and Types
- Feedback Analysis and Revision
- World-Building Tips and Tricks
List Material Provided
Forum Discussion: Feedback For Your Outline
Practical Assignment
Module 23: Bonus Material
Creating a World Map. One of the most important aspects of world-building is creating a realistic and immersive map for your fictional setting. A map can help you visualize the geography, climate, culture, and history of your world, as well as provide a reference for your readers. Here are some steps to follow when creating a map for your world-building project:
-The Basic Beginnings
-What to Add
-Scale And Projection
-Adding Layers
-Refine And Revise
-Finalize And Feedback
Practical Assignment
Course Summary Video
By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in world-building theory and practice. You will be able to create your own unique and engaging fictional worlds that will captivate your audience.
Breakdown of Fees: $1356.00
$ 200.00 - base programming
$ 400.00 - For module set-up
$ 600.00 - For lessons: including:
our copywritten forms
other materials
forum access
instructor access
6 month access to program
practical assignments
plus taxes and service fee
Notice: All information, forms and content provided for this course is strictly the property of Dark Dove Publishing, The WRITE Affiliates, and J.L. Slipak and should not be copied, reused, rebranded or altered in any fashion for unauthorized purposes, and without explicit permission to do so by the aforementioned parties, hereto.
Any infringement of copyright, trademark, or registration will result in legal actions being taken against violators. Permission of use is governed solely for this program/course as provided strictly adhering to copyright laws of Canada and the United States and for no improper purposes in accordance to the law.
For terms and conditions governing refunds, go to terms and conditions in the main menu under Dark Dove Publishing. All personal data is subject to our privacy policy listed below. Although Dark Dove Publishing strives to provide correct and appropriate materials, any errors or ommisions should be immediately brought to the attention of Dark Dove Publishing in written form by sending an email to:
Private information is forbidden on public forums. Any links or emails provided there will be deleted. All posts are governed with the strictest policies. Please remain professional with conduct when using services, products, access and other items belonging to Dark Dove Publishing, The WRITE Affiliates, and J.L. Slipak, as per the terms of conduct and program/course polices provided with each course description.
All courses are for informational purposes to fine tune and hone the craft of writing. None are for official certification toward a degree, diploma, or professional certification in any form. Go here to read further terms and conditions
Your Instructor
J.L. Slipak

Certified Freelance Writer, Editor, Published Author, CEO Dark Dove Publishing, 40 Years Experience in the Written World